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Outside services 

Outside Services are suspended until further notice with the exception of the ‘virtual services’ listed below.

Religious Virtual Services

Temple offers the following virtual priest services:

  • Punyãhavãchanam – (Sanctification ceremony)
  • Nãmakaranam – (Naming ceremony)
  •  Annaprãšanam – (First feeding ceremony)
  • Vidyãrambam – (Education)
  • Satyanãrãyana Pooja – (Wisdom)
  • Amãvãsya Tarpanam – Monthly
  • Šrãddham (Hiranya) – Annual
  • Šrãddham (Masikam) – Monthly, during first year – post funeral rites
  • Last Rites (Funeral)

Devotees who wish to book any of the above services may please contact the Temple Counter at (718) 460-8484 ext. 112.

Please read HTS TERMS FOR RELIGIOUS SERVICES for Non-Scheduled Day Services & Outside Services.

For current Schedule of Religious Services – see here

Thank you.

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