The mission of Orlando Hindu temple and Shiv Mandir is to provide a place of religious worship and study of Hindu Sanatan Dharma, Hindu philosophy, Hindu spirituality and way of life as per the teachings of the Vedic Rishis, without discrimination of Caste, Creed, Color, Nationality, Ethnicity, Gender or Religion.

The Orlando Hindu temple aims to establish and facilitate religious, cultural, spiritual and educational activities for the community in and around Orlando and for anyone interested in Hinduism.

We strive to provide the best, sincere and indiscriminate services to all. To do so flawlessly we rely on every donation to give to the temple. Your generous donation is highly appreciated and pleasing in the eyes of Bhagwanji. Your kindness and willingness to donate will result in success, wealth, good health and prosperity to you and your family. Om Namah Shivaya.